Zig Studios Web 2.0

Zig Studios planetzig.com has been online as long as the web has been around, I guess that means i've been freelancing for a really long time. The site has been through several revisions and variations always trying to keep pace with technology. My approach to web development has always been that the web is an information based entity stemming from Government and University circles.
When the format Web 2.0 was introduced i was excited about the direction for several reasons. first that it is only possible because pixel aspect ratios have changed drastically 1680 x 1050 and getting higher all the time. More screen area allows larger fonts and cleaner layouts. alot of designers are realizing that they need to scrap full flash based sites because there is no information value, search engines have nothing to read when a site is all flash. it may look cool, but don't do it. Web 2.0 splits the best of both worlds. Now you have area for large flash animations with rich textures and .html based text to improve search criteria. Zig Studios site is always a work in progress. visit: planetzig.com
